
I think Lucifer should hire me. So, you know, he learns. How to destroy people. How to kill them. The walking dead; the wounded; the victims of life, who crave death; the victims of torture, pain and love.

Hunger hurts, more than someone who hasn’t had it can understand. Hunger, starvation. Begging on the street, outside a roadside eatery.To sustain yourself, to live. And that hunger never really dies.

And pain? Pain is so much more and so much worse. Pain doesn’t die either. Pain is like a very sensitive wound in the middle of your soul. Pain is watching, seeing. Pain is knowing who destroyed your roots and being the prime witness. Pain is not being a virgin at age three.

Pain is being repeatedly abused. Being hit. Being bruised. Bleeding, crying. So much blood, so many tears.

Pain is trusting. And then having them go to heaven; or having your dreams literally punched out of you. Slapped, beaten. Falling to the ground. Lesions on the skin and a broken, fractured ear.

Then comes wanting escape and medication. Lets find out how those two mix. Once is an attempt; twice is a cry for help. The third, is usually final.

Pain. Pain is aphrodisiac.

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